Simon Diamantidis: More effort is still needed for the Collective Trademark “Macedonia the GReat” to become immediately recognizable in international markets.

Mr. Symeon Diamantidis, President of the Exporters Association, discusses the creation of the Macedonian Trademark, its importance for businesses, and the progress of this particular effort in an interview with Karfitsa.

Regarding the products eligible to use the Macedonian Trademark, Mr. Symeon Diamantidis, President of the Exporters Association, states that “All Greek businesses have the right to use the Collective Trademark of SEVE ‘Macedonia the GReat’ for products or services originating from the geographical regions of Western Macedonia, Central Macedonia, and the Regional Units of Drama and Kavala, and are or will become members of SEVE.”

More than 100 businesses have already obtained the License to Use the European Collective Trademark “Macedonia the GReat” to date. Additionally, there is significant interest from businesses that wish to be informed and acquire the License or are in the process of verifying their documentation.


The Macedonian Trademark can be used on natural products that are produced, cultivated, or harvested in the geographic regions of Central Macedonia, Eastern Macedonia and Thrace, including the Regional Units of Drama and Kavala, as well as Western Macedonia. The products can be natural products, with the primary criterion being production, cultivation, or harvesting depending on the type of product.


b) For processed natural products, the basic criteria are:

  • A percentage exceeding 50% of the mass of the product’s ingredients to originate from one of the three regions, or
  • A percentage exceeding 50% of the mass of the primary raw material to originate from one of the three regions, or
  • Processing to take place in the geographical area of Macedonia, and the designation of the product as “Macedonian” to consist of traditional or specific methods of preparation and processing.

c) For other (industrial-craft) products and services, the basic criterion is that more than 50% of the production cost is incurred in one of the three regions. Production costs include expenses for product or service research and development, while expenses related to promotion, advertising, and marketing of the product are excluded.

What is the reason for the creation of the Macedonian Trademark and what is the purpose of this initiative?

The SEVE’s Collective Trademark “Macedonia the GReat,” registered with the EU Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) according to Regulation 2017/2001, is one of SEVE’s most significant initiatives.

The European Collective Trademark of the Exporters Association – SEVE was created to protect Greek products and services produced in Macedonia and to highlight, through authenticity, the genuineness and quality of the products and services of SEVE’s members, as well as the region’s history and heritage.

By creating a strong and unquestionable Collective Trademark for SEVE members based in Macedonia, which in turn signifies and communicates the authenticity of their products and services, an essential “umbrella” is formed that enhances competitiveness in international markets, while also offering a common reference point for all SEVE members.

When will the fruits of this effort appear, and what exactly is expected to be gained?

This initiative undertaken by SEVE is ongoing. More effort is needed for the Collective Trademark “Macedonia the GReat” to become immediately recognizable in international markets.

Furthermore, products and services falling under the Macedonian identity are promoted through coordinated marketing actions such as:

  • Informational meetings/seminars
  • Participation in international exhibitions
  • Participation in business missions
  • Promotion campaigns on social media
  • Media exposure

SEVE member businesses that wish to strengthen their position and gain a competitive advantage in international markets are encouraged to adopt the “Macedonia the GReat” collective trademark.

These businesses that adopt the trademark aspire to become the flagships of the region, contributing with their strong footprint to the economic development of each region and the country as a whole.

With a studied and strategically targeted approach, focusing on markets with the greatest prospects for each selected Macedonian product with serious production and export prospects, the improvement of export results will be immediate and significant.


Director: Elena Mitsali

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