The activation for the EU Collective Mark was presented on Wednesday 9 November. Collective Mark of EU, with the name “MACEDONIA THE GREAT” by the Chamber of Kavala and SEVE-Exporters Association. The Macedonian Mark is a very important initiative and can be used by all Greek businesses whose products or services come from the geographical regions of Western Macedonia, Central Macedonia and the P.E. Drama and Kavala and are or will become members of SEVE.
The Collective Mark of EU, with the name “MACEDONIA THE GREAT”, which has been registered at the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO-based in the Spanish city of Alicante), will be incorporated by Macedonian businesses into their packaging, logos, letterheads and other communications.
As mentioned by the President of SEVE, Mr. Diamantidis, the goal is for the said mark to be adopted by all Greek businesses. The aim is for the millions of visitors who come to our country to get used to seeing it everywhere, in restaurants, hotels, etc. and to learn that the product bearing the Macedonian mark is a Greek product, as well as when they visit the supermarket shelves of their countries, to know that products with the Macedonian mark are Greek products.
The President of the Chamber of Kavala, Markos Dembas, stated that the Collective Mark of EU, with the name “MACEDONIA THE GREAT” comes to correct the gaps marked by the Prespa Agreement, and will allow the businesses of the region of Macedonia and Kavala to acquire a common brand, which will make them special, as it will give them the characteristic of the geographical origin of their products and services, combined with the confidence of consumers in the quality of these products and services, which will acquire a geographical designation, as Greek products, of the geographical area of Macedonia.
SEVE has started an information campaign for the businesses of all Macedonia, as well as the Chambers of the region, while it will also “run” a communication program of the Macedonian Brand inside and outside the borders, with the main target markets firstly the USA and Canada and emphasis also on European markets.